10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time!


There are many computers viruses which can be nightmare. You can wipe out the information of the hard drive that ties up the traffic on the computer network for hours, it may turn a normal and innocent machine to a zombie and replicate them and send them to other computers. If your system has never become a victim of a computer virus then you may wonder what all these are about. But the concern of this is understandable- according to which the computer viruses has helped to a huge amount of loss of consumer. The computer viruses are just one kind of online threat of its bunch.

The existence of the computer viruses have been around many years, in fact in 1949 John von Neumann theorized the self replication of the program which was possible. On the other hand the computer industry is just a decade old, and already someone has figured out how to infect the program that run on the system, before the programmers known as hackers began to build computer viruses.

Earlier some of the pranksters created virus-like programs for large computer systems, it is the introduction of the personal computer which has bought the computer viruses to the public attention. The doctoral student Fred Cohen was first one to describe self-replicating programs that was designed for modifying the computers as viruses. 

In older days the viruses depends on the humans to do the hard work for spreading the virus to other computers. The hackers save the viruses to the disks and then distributes to the disk to the other people. It was until the modems may be common that virus transmission becomes a real problem. Today when we think of the computer virus then imaging that something’s that transmits itself via the Internet. It might infect the computer via email messages or corrupted Web links. But with the programs like these can spread much faster than easier computer viruses. To prevent and remove them you can make use of the firewall for the protection and anti-virus for the prevention of virus and other kinds of threats.

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